Water brings Joy

#MaishaMonday — The construction of our water well project in #Turkana is still underway. But as you can see … the children and community cannot contain their overwhelming joy over this blessing. Here are some shocking stats from Charity Water to help illustrate just how much having clean water saves and changes lives:

💧 Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

🌎 In Africa alone, women spend 40 billion hours a year walking for water.

📚 Collectively, kids miss 443 million days of school each year due to preventable water-related diseases.

But now, the children and surrounding community of Lobolo Primary School will not only live healthier, longer lives, they can also focus on getting their education, earning a living, and caring for and making a better future for their families — all THANKS TO YOU — our compassionate, generous partners!

See more photos and comments; https://www.facebook.com/maishaproject/posts/2108595139276583

Maisha Project
PO Box 570
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
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14% Management + 4% Fundraising

82% of Maisha Project's total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit vulnerable children and communities around Kisumu, Kenya.

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