Choose the fund you wish to support, thanks!

Where Most Needed

We invest in education, health, local entrepreneurs, and infrastructure/community building projects. As we expand the economic empowerment project, sustainability is fostered in all the other projects.


School Feeding Program

You can provide a nutritious, life-saving meal every school day to a hungry boy or girl. The impact that your commitment for just $19 a month can provide will change the course of a child's future FOREVER.



Your sponsorship gives a child the tools he or she needs to succeed in life. This allows a student to create a better future for them self and for the generations to come. We invite you to watch the full video above for an intimate look at how sponsorship impacts a life. 


Health & Nutrition

For only $2,800 one month a year, you can secure food or health for an entire community as well as  save and enrich lives.



Your sponsorship gives a Team Maisha the opportunity to help individuals to put their passion into action and share their gifts with the Maisha community.


Building Project

Your sponsorship gives a long-term solutions to building by partnering with Maisha Project's Building Project.


Maisha Project
PO Box 570
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
Contact Us
Pie Chart

14% Management + 4% Fundraising

82% of Maisha Project's total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit vulnerable children and communities around Kisumu, Kenya.

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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations:


Better Business Bureau