Do you love Maisha? Do you wear t-shirts? Are you creative? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you are qualified to participate in the Maisha T-shirt Design Contest!
Maisha is looking for designs for the Limited Edition Fall 2015 T-shirt and we want you to be involved in the design process. By following a few simple rules, your design could be on display for all to see (and purchase) on Nov. 7, 2015 at the Light the Future Gala.
Maisha T-shirt Design Contest Rules:
1. The design must include the Maisha logo, which may be downloaded from our website at
2. The design must include the Maisha website –
3. The design must be ORIGINAL artwork files in one of the following formats: jpeg, pdf, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop.
Designs may also be hand drawn, but must be a CLEAN LINE image OUTLINED with a black fine tip Sharpie with no shading or gradient.
4. The design will appear on the FRONT of the shirt and must not exceed 12” wide or 11” high in size.
5. Designs can include Maisha mission statements like “Maisha means life,” “Maisha empowers people to transform their community,” “Bringing hope to the hopeless and light to the darkness.” Scripture and other quotes may also be used.
6. Designs must be submitted to no later than Oct. 9, 2015.
7. All entries become property of The Maisha Project. We reserve the rights to make adjustments to the winning design.
8. Participants may submit multiple entries.
The winner will receive a free t-shirt with their design on the front. A committee will judge the designs after Oct. 9th and the winner will be notified via email.
Start creating and making your idea come to life. The Maisha Project cannot wait to see your designs!
For more information, contact Jennifer Whitener at