Alecia Shannon
In June of 2012 I was headed to Maisha for the first time. Leading up to the trip, I prayed, asking God to reveal who He would have me sponsor. On the first day, there was a group of boys asking me to take their pictures and trying, successfully I might add, to get me to laugh. I was taking it all in and I noticed this quiet and shy boy sitting on a pile of wood behind the other boys. Immediately I was drawn to him. I stopped and talked to him for a bit and learned his name is Erick.
I was on a mission at this point to find out if he had a sponsor. Later that day, I saw this sweet and bashful young girl, her name is Eunice. It was another moment of just an instant connection. As the days went on, I was determined to find out if either of these kids had a sponsor but I was torn…how was I supposed to choose who to sponsor?!?! Half way through my time there I noticed, these two kids look an awful lot alike. I asked Eunice, if she had a brother named Erick. She said yes! I had connected to these two kids that are siblings!! I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do and He spoke clearly to me saying He had provided for me in a way that I could care for both of these children.
I have had the sweetest time getting to know these sweet kids and their family. This year I was invited to go to their home. It was an honor for me to meet their parents and siblings I had never met before. I’ve fallen in love with this family so much that I’ve been on a mission to ensure the other kids are sponsored. A young lady I used to baby sit is now sponsoring Erick and Eunice’s younger sister Millicent and a dear friend just told me she wants to sponsor their older sister, Susline. God is so good!! It is such a reward to love on these kids…it’s a love that comes straight from our Father’s heart.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27
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