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The Maisha Project strives to give people the power to change their communities. Sometimes, this is done by simply providing a hot meal or giving a child new shoes. Other times, lives are changed by giving a child the opportunity to grow up in a new environment, which is exactly what Maisha has done for many children over the years.

Maisha has allowed certain at-risk children to live in the compound as “boarders.” The children live at Maisha for free, attend the Maisha Academy or one of the local village schools and are given three hot meals a day.

With each graduating class of high school seniors, a new set of boarders are released to return to their home. While this is a bittersweet time for everyone involved, it allows the young men and women to integrate back into their community and become leaders to help change the lives of the people around them and make room for other, younger, vulnerable children to be housed at Maisha.

This year, six of Maisha’s boarders are transitioning back to their homes. The young men said their lives have been changed forever.

“When I was down and lonely in the darkest dead end, I thought it was over. But a broad way, full of life and light suddenly appeared before me and acted as a ladder that I climb to my future. That’s how I could describe Maisha…,” Ibrahim said.

“My dreams are on the right track of becoming a reality. Maisha has nurtured me to become the person I am today through supporting my education,” Francis said.

“May God bless Maisha, may God bless Bea, may God bless Joshu and may God bless Mama Grace for bringing me from grass to grace…,” Evans said.

Please join us in praying for vision and clarity for these young men as they start this new journey of their lives!

Maisha Project
PO Box 570
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101
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14% Management + 4% Fundraising

82% of Maisha Project's total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit vulnerable children and communities around Kisumu, Kenya.

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