Maisha Project | Maisha Means Life
Nourish & Sustain
Your investment is the building block that secures lifesaving meals to our orphans and destitute children in the nine schools we serve in Kisumu and Turkana.
$50 = 400 Meals
Can you imagine going 2 to 3 days, sometimes longer, with nothing to eat?!? Now imagine, you have small children or grandchildren to care for, and there is nothing—for even them—to eat! This is Tyson. He is one of our many students at the Maisha Academy in Kisumu. Our students are provided a healthy, nutritious lunch every school day consisting of rice, beans, corn, lentils and healthy vegetables we grow on our property.
For many of these children, this meal can be the ONLY meal they will have in a day, as they live in extreme poverty. When a child in Kenya has food at school, they’re more inclined to continue their education — which is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Food means health, opportunity, hope … and life to these boys and girls!